Program Manager
Reports to Executive Director
Purpose; To manage and develop the daily operations of Connect Palmer Inc. programs used by Sarah’s House Residents to ensure the further implementation of the organization’s mission.
Looking for someone who is a go getter, self-motivated and outgoing. They need to have integrity, be respectful and professional. They need to have self-control and have self-discipline. They need to always remain teachable.
The Program Manager needs to have the capacity to work with many individuals, from the homeless that come into the office for toilet paper, residents working on moving in a new direction, as well as those in the community that volunteer and support our programs.
They need to be punctual, present, consistent, and ready to bring it.
They need to have compassion, empathy, and a heart and vision for Connect Palme and what we do. They need to have a clear understanding of how and why we do things the way we do. They must demonstrate support of the program and encouraging with the residents that may struggle with the high demands of the program.
They should have understanding and be supportive of our faith-based practices.
They need to be tech savvy and not afraid of technology, and a quick learner.
They need to be physical able to climb the apartment stairs and also be able to lift 25lbs.
a. Ensure the development and maintaining of procedures for the daily operation of various Connect Palmer programs used by the Sarah’s House Residents (God’s Work Design LIFE Connect, Mentor Program).
b. Oversee Program applications and requests.
c. Oversee the intake process of residents. (going through bags, assigning beds, getting new residents settled.
d. Over see move out process, oversee packing for early departures and dismissals from program. Acquiring keys and lock boxes.
e. Coordinating weekly chore charts, overseeing weekly schedules with residents.
f.. Development and Maintenance of current volunteer information Develop and maintain relationships with volunteers for programs.
g. Conduct correspondence with volunteers, organization, and groups, to ensure they have current information and to express our appreciation.
h. Coordinate volunteer’s talents and gifts with appropriate volunteer position. Ensure that adequate volunteers are available to operate it the program.
i. Coordinate volunteer and resident recognition activities. (i.e. recognize birthdays, cards and notes of Appreciation, prayer).
j. Maintain clear communication with residents, volunteers and with Executive Director.
k. Ensure the maintaining of client/volunteer confidentiality
l. Other duties as assign by supervisor or executive director.
Position is part-time (approximately 24 hour/ week) and open until filled. To apply for this position, complete this application and send it and your resume to or mail it to Connect Palmer, 202 S Alaska St, Palmer, AK 99645.