One Year Anniversary

May 2014, Connect Palmer opened it’s doors to the com-munity. Our mission to serve the Palmer community in the area of practical needs assis-tance. To do this, we create opportunities for the body of Jesus Christ to connect our community and it’s outlying areas with the Love of God, One Need at a Time.
We start out with volunteers painting our office space and then had our Open House during Colony Days, June 2014. We opened The Locker, in June for families and indi-viduals to request personal care and household cleaning items. We also offered sewing instruction and practical needs assistance to the com-
munity. Individuals trying to get back into the workforce could participate in our Work Ready Workshop , along with Tutoring for GED Prep.
In the fall we started Fire It Up and Women of Faith, both are part of the Mortar Minis-tries. We had lots of fun as we prepared for our community outreach during Colony Christmas. Volunteers sewed many costumes for our first Live Nativity.
At the end of January we received our 501c3 paper work from the IRS and March we started our 2 month Appren-tice/Discipleship Program called Scarlet Tapestries with 3 wonderful young ladies.

End of March joined Church on the Rock Palmer in a food box outreach in the Butte. That was great fun.
April we offered God’s Work Design program for the first time. All year we have had the opportunity to met practi-cal needs for individuals and families in our community. From cutting down trees, and moving appliances to budget and life skills counseling.
We are looking forward to what the Lord has ahead for this ‘Lighthouse’.
We invite you to Come and join us in Connecting Palmer to the Love of God, One Need at a Time!

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