The Winter Apprentice pro-gram had 3 amazing young ladies. They were beginner seamstresses’ who took on the challenge of spending up to 15 hours a week learning the basics of dressmaking and working on their outreach project of making little dresses for little girls in Africa.
The program went from Feb. 23 to May 8, 2015. They covered the basics in beginner sewing, and simple alterations techniques. They finished out their spring session with the return of Palmer’s Youth Fashion Show. A Fashion Show for young seamstresses ages 7 to 18.
At Real Life Church, they were invited to show their creativity with other young seamstresses in competition for prizes as well as a drawing for a sewing machine.
The theme for this year was Old Things Made New, as we re-introduced the Youth Fashion Show to Palmer as a Connect Palmer Fundraiser.
With the Theme came a sewing category with the same name. A favorite of many in this category was a prom dress made from Carharte overalls. The Seamstress did a great job and she wore her ‘gown’ to her senior prom.